Providing you a hassle free and personalized shipping experience
Our range of cargo related services even extend towards diplomatic cargo and personal effect handling which we give special attention towards. We possess the relevant expertise and skills to handle such cargo in an effective manner. We offer our clients a hassle free and personalized shipping experience along with door to door service and relocation procedures related services.
Why choose diplomatic cargo & personal effect handling?
Cost effective
It costs much less to transport personalized goods and documentation through a shipping company.

Shipping organizations often have the relevant expertise and experience with regard to diplomatic cargo and personal effect handling with so many projects under their belt in the past and present.

Effective management of legal and regulatory requirements
Shipping companies have good carrier-shipper relationships and also have expertise handling various customs related and regulatory procedures which eases the client from the burden of handling the same on his own.

Safety of goods
Clients are ensures that their goods will reach the intended destination safe and securely under the given circumstances.